HAL Koraput Division invites online applications for engagement of Technical Operators in (Fitting) &
(Moulding) Trades and Paramedical Staff on Tenure Basis in Non-Executive cadre.
Technical Operators
Operator (Fitting) : 10th Standard + NTC (ITI in Fitter Trade) + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate in Fitter Trade).
Operator(Moulding) : 10th Standard + NTC (ITI in Foundryman / Moulder Trade) + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate in Foundryman / Moulder Trade).
Paramedical Staff
Upper Age limit: not above 28 years as on 15.09.2016 for Unreserved Category (UR) candidates.
Scales of Pay
Basic Pay : 11050
Personal Pay : 5770
Fee : Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only), which is non-refundable.
How to apply
Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply Online only through HAL Website: www.hal-india.com No other means / mode of application will be accepted. The Website is functional from 02.11.2016 to 22.11.2016 for submission of online application.
Notification : http://www.hal-india.com/Common/Uploads/Resumes/480_CareerPDF1_Detailed%20Notification%20No.KPT-01-2016.pdf
Technical Operators
Operator (Fitting) : 10th Standard + NTC (ITI in Fitter Trade) + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate in Fitter Trade).
Operator(Moulding) : 10th Standard + NTC (ITI in Foundryman / Moulder Trade) + NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate in Foundryman / Moulder Trade).
Paramedical Staff
- Staff Nurse
- Pharmacist
- Medical Laboratory Technician
- Operation Theatre Technician
- Dental Hygienist
- Physiotherapist
Upper Age limit: not above 28 years as on 15.09.2016 for Unreserved Category (UR) candidates.
Scales of Pay
Basic Pay : 11050
Personal Pay : 5770
Fee : Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only), which is non-refundable.
How to apply
Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply Online only through HAL Website: www.hal-india.com No other means / mode of application will be accepted. The Website is functional from 02.11.2016 to 22.11.2016 for submission of online application.
Notification : http://www.hal-india.com/Common/Uploads/Resumes/480_CareerPDF1_Detailed%20Notification%20No.KPT-01-2016.pdf