Bharat Electronics Ltd., a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company has the following requirement of personnel on permanent basis for its Bengaluru Unit.
BEL is a company which deals with a wide spectrum of products ranging from Radars to Solar based solutions. BEL goes much beyond the defence products they are famous for, they have made inroads into civilian products as well.
Asst. Trainee
(EAT) : 3 years full time diploma
in Engineering (Electronics :10 , Mechanical : 4)
Grade/ Career Path/ Pay Scale : WG-VII / CP-VI
Rs.10050-3%-25450+admissible allowance.
Technician ‘C’ : ITI + one year
3 years National
Certificate Course (Electronic
Mechanic :7, Machinist :2, AC&R :2, Fitter :2, Electrician :1
, Welder :1 )
Grade/ Career Path/ Pay Scale : WG-IV / CP-V
Rs. 8740-3%-22150/- +
admissible allowance.
Clerk-Cum Comp
Operator-C : 3 years full time
Bachelor’s Degree from
a recognized University+
Knowledge in Computer
Operation (B.Com : 3)
Grade/ Career Path/ Pay Scale : WG-IV / CP-V Rs. 8740-3%-22150/- + admissible allowance.
Engineering Assistant trainees will undergo training for an initial period of one year during which they will be
paid stipend of Rs. 10,000/- p.m. On successful completion of the training and on passing the gradation test they
will be placed on the regular pay scales indicated above.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Should have acquired the appropriate qualification in the indicated trade / discipline only.
2. Upper age as on 01.01.2016 should be 28 years for General, 31 years for OBC and 33 years for SC/ST
candidates. PWD candidates will be extended age relaxation by 10 years.
3. General / OBC candidates should have secured 60% marks (aggregate of all years) & above, SC/ ST /
PWD candidates should have secured minimum 50% marks.
4. Knowledge of Kannada and registration in any of the Employment Exchanges of Karnataka is preferable.
Mode of Selection:
The incumbents meeting the qualification and other conditions will be shortlisted for written test. Selection will be
through written test, followed by an interview for only those candidates, who qualify in the written test.
How to apply
Interested candidates may send the prescribed application superscribing on the envelope the post applied for, by
‘Ordinary Post’ to Deputy Manager (HR/Central), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post,
Bengaluru 560 013, containing a recent passport size photograph along with self-attested copies of the following
1. SSLC /SSC / ISC marks card as proof of date of birth.
2. Marks Card of each academic year / semester in ITI/ NAC/ Apprenticeship course/ Engg. Diploma/B.Com
as applicable.
3. Certificate pertaining to completion of ITI / NAC / Diploma in Engg. / B.Com issued by the Competent
Authority /Board.
4. Apprenticeship marks card and NAC (for Technician ‘C’ post only)
5. Candidates belonging to SC / ST / PWD need to submit their caste / tribe / disability certificate as per the
prescribe format.
6. Candidates belonging to OBC category are required to submit the community certificate in the prescribed
format (format available on the website) issued by the Competent Authority on or after 01.01.2015.
7. Candidates with relevant disability of not less than 40 per cent only will be eligible for reservation and
relaxation as PWD. Disability certificate issued by the Medical Board in the prescribed format.
The last date for receipt of applications is 23
rd January 2016.