APHMEL - Andhra Pradesh Heavy Machinery & Engineering Limited (ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company), a subsidiary of The
Singareni Collieries Company Limited(A Govt. Company) recruiting Junior Contract Engineers,Asst. Contract Programmers,Office Assistants - Salary - Rs.24,440/-.
It is engaged in Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of Machinery / Equipment / System, Repair & Overhauling of Machinery, Fabrication / Machining / Assembly / Testing / Site Works & Spare parts supply to machines & Equipment.
Junior Contract Engineers (Mechanical) (Men only)
It is engaged in Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of Machinery / Equipment / System, Repair & Overhauling of Machinery, Fabrication / Machining / Assembly / Testing / Site Works & Spare parts supply to machines & Equipment.
Junior Contract Engineers (Mechanical) (Men only)
Minimum Educational Qualifications : Diploma in Mechanical /
Metallurgy Engineering
(Full time Course) with
minimum 60% marks in
aggregate from an
institution/Board approved
by the authorities
pay of
(Men only)
Diploma in Electrical
Engineering (Full time
Course) with minimum 60%
marks in aggregate from
an institution/Board
approved by the
authorities concerned
Consolidated pay of Rs.23,150/- PM
time Course) in Computer
Science with minimum
60% marks.
Pay of
Rs.24,440/- PM
Required any Graduate(Full
time Course) with
Computer Science as one
of the subjects with
minimum 60% marks.
Pay of
Rs.24,440/- PM
The selection will be through Written Test. Selection will be on the basis of Educational qualification, experience and
performance of the candidate in Written Test. Screening of applications will be based on the details provided by the candidate,
hence, it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct information. Furnishing of wrong/ false
information will be a disqualification and APHMEL will NOT be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/
false information.
The application fee is Rs.200/- for all candidates except those who belong to SC/ST.
Candidates other than SC/ST are required to to write his/her name, on the reverse side of the Demand Draft and SC/ST/BC/PH
on the reverse side of the certificates, which is to be forwarded along with duly filled in Bio-Data (as per proforma at Annexure
- I) along with two passport size photographs (one affixed on the Bio-data) to “THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, Andhra Pradesh
Heavy Machinery & Engineering Ltd.,Registered Office, Kondapalli - 521228, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. Andhra
Pradesh” by post so as to reach latest by 29.02.2016.
Last date of receipt of Application 29.02.2016