Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian
Nationals (foreign nationals can be appointed on renewable contracts of five
years) with outstanding track record for faculty positions at the level of
Associate Professor.
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian Nationals (foreign nationals can be appointed on renewable contracts of five years) with outstanding track record for faculty positions at the level of Associate Professor. The Institute intends to fill up around 20 faculty positions through this advertisement in the following Departments/ Centers:
1. Architecture & Planning
2. Biotechnology
3. Chemical Engineering
4. Chemistry
5. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Earthquake Engineering
7. Electrical Engineering
8. Electronics & Communication Engineering
9. Humanities & Social Sciences
10. Hydrology
11. Management Studies
12. Mathematics
13. Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
14. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
15. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre
16. Department of Polymer and Process Engg. (Saharanpur Campus)
17. Water Resources Development & Management Department
How to apply : Apply through on-line application submission system on the Institute website ( on or before midnight of January 20, 2016
Pay structure: Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP-Rs.9500/-). For direct recruits, minimum pay in the PB-4 to be fixed at Rs. 42,800/-.
Last date: The completed application should be finalized on Institute website before the midnight of 20 January 2016.
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee invites applications from Indian Nationals (foreign nationals can be appointed on renewable contracts of five years) with outstanding track record for faculty positions at the level of Associate Professor. The Institute intends to fill up around 20 faculty positions through this advertisement in the following Departments/ Centers:
1. Architecture & Planning
2. Biotechnology
3. Chemical Engineering
4. Chemistry
5. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Earthquake Engineering
7. Electrical Engineering
8. Electronics & Communication Engineering
9. Humanities & Social Sciences
10. Hydrology
11. Management Studies
12. Mathematics
13. Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
14. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
15. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre
16. Department of Polymer and Process Engg. (Saharanpur Campus)
17. Water Resources Development & Management Department
How to apply : Apply through on-line application submission system on the Institute website ( on or before midnight of January 20, 2016
Pay structure: Pay Band-4 (Rs. 37400-67000 with AGP-Rs.9500/-). For direct recruits, minimum pay in the PB-4 to be fixed at Rs. 42,800/-.
Last date: The completed application should be finalized on Institute website before the midnight of 20 January 2016.